Experience LBJ Day

    Monday, March 10, 2025 at 8:45 AM until 5:00 PMCentral Daylight Time UTC -05:00

    LBJ School Of Public Affairs
    2315 Red River St
    Austin, TX 78712
    United States

    Join the Office of Student Affairs and Admissions for a day of class visits and speaker events. 



    The LBJ School is in Sid Richardson Hall (SRH), a three-story white building between Red River Street and the large, white marble LBJ Library. The LBJ School is located in the northern half of Sid Richardson Hall. There are entrances at the middle of the school on the parking lot side of the building and on the southern end of the building, which corresponds to a breezeway that connects the parking lot to the plaza surrounding the LBJ Library. View a campus map

    There is street and metered parking available around the LBJ School. Alternatively, you may want to park in the Manor Garage (about a 5 minute walk to the LBJ School with an hourly fee if no parking pass). A lot of students either carpool or use public transportation or the UT Shuttle.

    Student Information
    Academic Program Information
    Program of Interest
    Program of Interest
    Please note if you are a recipient of one of the following:
    Please note if you are a recipient of one of the following:
    Are you active duty military?
    Are you active duty military?
    Are you a veteran?
    Are you a veteran?
    Other Information